Applied Behavior Analysis services for children and adults with autism, traumatic brain injuries, acquired brain injuries and other developmental or emotional disabilities that strive to improve family life, knowledge and understanding!


Types of Services Provided:

Functional Behavioral Assessments:

A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is an important form of assessment to determine the function or reason why a problematic behavior is occurring.  FBA's can be scheduled at our office, your home, or at your child's school.  For example, does your child scream to gain your attention or do they scream so that you will not keep asking them to complete a task.  An FBA is the foundation of a Behavior Intervention Plan.

School Observations and Recommendations:

Observations can be conducted at your child's school in order to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment, to determine if a school behavior intervention plan is being followed, to provide recommendations regarding a school Behavior Intervention Plan or to provide recommendations regarding IEP accommodations.

Attendance at IEP Meetings/Review of IEP's/BIP's:

Applied Behavior Building Blocks is able to provide support and recommendations at IEP meetings as well as review current IEP's/BIP's for appropriateness and effectiveness.

Behavior Reduction Training:

​Applied Behavior Building Blocks is able to provide direct training on how to effectively manage and reduce problematic behaviors.

Behavior Intervention Plan development and training​:

Applied Behavior Building Blocks will develop extensive Behavior Intervention Plans for use at home, school or vocational sites.  Verbal and hands on training are necessary for a Behavior Intervention Plan to be successful in reducing problematic behavior and increasing adaptive behaviors and functional skills.

Language/Communication Assessments:

For families desiring a formal language/communication assessment and training, the VB-MAPP is utilized.

Parent Training/Support Staff Training:

Training is most effective when everyone involved in a person's life plays a role.  It is vital that interventions are consistently implemented across caregiver​s in order for the most significant decrease possible in an individual's problematic behaviors to occur

Workshops and Presentations:

Group training and presentations upon request.  

​Supervision for individuals looking to become a BCBA

Applied Behavior Building Blocks provides supervision to local individuals desiring to obtain the supervision necessary to become a BCBA